Our Purpose

Making a difference.

TX Doula Movement was founded to provide a thorough and hands-on certification program for individuals who are looking to make a difference.

Our founder, Ms. Sonja Frazier-Koenig (CEOLD, CECD, CDCC), being an End-of-Life Doula herself, experienced substantial gaps in the training she received that launched her career as an End-of-Life-Doula and Senior Care Companion Doula.

She utilized her years of experience as doulas and in the healthcare and business fields to create TX Doula Movement in an attempt to fill those gaps for future End-of-Life-Doulas and Senior Care Companion Doulas. As a result, TX Doula Movement prides itself as being the most comprehensive End-of-Life-Doula certification training program available.

The End-of-Life-Doula certification program aims to train those that are interested in providing support to individuals that are terminally ill and to their families during the most critical of times. Students will learn how to identify when a patient is in active transition when dying, how to provide a peaceful passing for patients, and how to provide a holistic approach to the dying individual and their family.

Our Mission

TX Doula Movement, LLC (TXDM) provides End-of-Life doula training, certification and continuing education for those called to this ministry. TXDM offers education, planning, support and resources for end of life alternatives. We are committed to respecting the client’s objectives and desires throughout their care through a holistic approach.

Our Vision

We provide personal empowerment, open discussion, exceptional training, and vital resources with continuing education to current doulas, and those that have a desire to become doulas and grow in the profession.

Our Values

Dignity. Integrity. Grace.

We aim to show ourselves in all respects to be a model of good works, and in our teaching show integrity and dignity.

As we excel in everything—in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in all earnestness, and in our love for others—we strive to see that we excel in the act of grace also.

We take pride in having high ethical and moral values to provide dignity and respect to patients and their families no matter their race, religion or cultural background and emphasize this throughout our certification program.

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