• Is Continuing Education required for my certification? If so, what does it consist of?

    Continuing education is not required, but STRONGLY recommended to ensure you are providing the best care for your patient and their family. We offer continuing education courses that we call Doula Tool Belts. These are courses you can take at a self-pace to add to your knowledge and skills as a Doula.

  • How long is the course?

    Each course varies in length. The End-of-Life Doula 101 Certification course is 13 weeks long.

  • Is there a certification exam?

    Yes. To obtain your End-of Life Doula certification, you must take and pass the certification exam. You will also receive a certificate at the end of each Doula Tool Belt course.

  • Is there an additional fee for the certification exam?

    There is no additional fee for the certification exam.

  • What can I do with my certification once I complete the exam?

    The purpose of this course is to provide students the information to be successful in their position as an end-of-life-doula and an Elder Companion Doula. Once certified, you may begin your own practice or join an established team.

  • Do you help with job placement?

    Upon certification, we offer an opportunity for you to be placed in our database for families to utilize when seeking doula services.

  • Is this a self-paced course or is there a class schedule that I must follow?

    This certification course can be taken as a self-paced course. We recommend students participate in the weekly live lessons. This enables you to take advantage of the live discussions and question and answer sessions with an experienced instructor.  The live sessions will be offered twice per year.

  • Do you offer installment plans?

    Yes. Our goal is to set you up for success from the start and to provide you with the best opportunity to excel in your career as a certified death doula. In addition to offering a budget-friendly and competitive price for our course, we offer installment plans to minimize any financial obstacles in your way to pursuing your doula certification.

  • Do you offer discounts (Military, Military Spouse, Veterans, etc.)?

    Yes. We proudly offer a 10% discount to these groups.

  • When will I be charged?

    Your first installment payment is due before the first day of class.

  • When is the payment deadline?

    All tuition must be paid in full before the start of the last four (4) classes otherwise course access will be suspended and will not be reinstated until the outstanding balance is cleared.

  • How do I withdraw from the course? Is there any penalty?

    A 35% penalty will be imposed if a student wishes to withdraw from the course prior to the start of the course. After classes begin, there will be no refunds.

  • I have a friend whom I think this course would be great for, do you offer referral bonuses?

    Absolutely! If an alumni refers a friend or family member to TX Doula Movement, the alumni will receive two (2) free Doula Toolbelt courses. To qualify, the referred student must sign up, pay the course tuition (whether in-full or by a payment plan) and attend at least the first session.

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